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Scleritis Referral Characteristics at a Uveitis Referral Center
Kaitlyn Chu
Kaitlyn H. Chu, Roshun Sangani, MD, Alex Altman MD, Hassaam Choudhry BS, and David S. Chu, MD
Metropolitan Eye Research and Surgery Institute, Palisades Park, NJ, USA
Institute of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ, USA
Scleritis is a disease that has high morbidity without proper treatment. Recent studies estimate that there are approximately four to six cases per 100,000 in the US per year. In this study, we aimed to characterize the referred population of patients who were confirmed to have a diagnosis of scleritis at a uveitis referral center.
Retrospective study on 86 patients who presented to a uveitis referral center. Charts were reviewed for patients identified to have scleritis after an initial office visit. Demographic information was then gathered on these patients including age, gender and race. Additional information included initial presenting visual acuity, associated immunologic diagnoses, associated ophthalmologic conditions (i.e history of glaucoma, cataract, diabetic retinopathy, dry eyes), and presenting treatment.
In our data set of the 86 patients who were diagnosed with scleritis after seeing a uveitis specialist, approximately 44.2% of patients did not have a diagnosis of scleritis at the time of referral (group 1), whereas 53.5% did have a diagnosis of scleritis at the time of referral (group 2). The groups were similar in terms of race distributions and age ranges. Relevant differences included group 1 having a higher percentage of female patients, 73.7%, compared to group 2, 63.0%. Furthermore, group 1 was more likely to not have an underlying immunologic diagnosis compared to group 2 (58.3% vs 69.8% respectively). Moreover, there was a slight difference in initial visual acuity with group 1 having 84.2% percent of patients with visual acuity 20/40 or better vs group 2 having 90.7% of patients with visual acuity 20/40 or better.
This study suggests that scleritis remains a condition that is difficult to diagnose correctly. In patients who do not fit classic presentation paradigm which generally includes patients who have an underlying immunologic condition, female gender and good visual acuity, scleritis should not be overlooked.