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Correlation between change in aqueous flare assessment using laser flare photometer to change in BCVA and clinical grade
Doan Luong Hien, ND
Hien Luong Doan, MD, Muhammad Sohail Halim, Neil Onghanseng, MD, Gunay Uludag, MD, Anh NT Tran, BS, Will Nguyen, Zelal Besalti, Sherin Lajevardi, Amir Akhavanrezayat,MD ,Jung Hyun Park, MD, Diana V. Do, MD, Mohamed Ibrahim Ahmed, MD, Murat Hasanreisoglu, MD, Yasir J. Sepah, Quan Dong Nguyen.
Byers Eye Institute, Stanford University, California
- Purpose: To correlate change in aqueous flare measured by laser flare photometer (LFP) with change in Best Corrected Visual Acuity (BCVA) and clinical grade using Standardization of Uveitis Nomenclature (SUN) and modified SUN grading scale.
- Methods: In a prospective, single-masked study, we enrolled 102 patients (193 eyes) managed at a tertiary uveitis clinic. Each patient underwent comprehensive ophthalmological examination and aqueous flare grading using both SUN and modified SUN grading scale, as well as aqueous flare measurements on LFP (Kowa FM-700) at each visit. Mean change in aqueous flare on LFP was assessed longitudinally and correlated with mean change in visual acuity and clinical grading using SUN and modified SUN grading scale. Data at baseline and last follow up visit was used for statistical analysis.
- Results: There were 102 patients (41 females / 40.2%) in the study. Mean duration of follow up was 5.6 months. Anterior, intermediate, posterior, and pan uveitis account for 56.7%, 3%, 19.5%, and 19.5%, respectively. Mean change in aqueous flare by LFP was significantly correlated to mean change in BCVA (R2=0.06, coef. -0.24, p<0.001, Figure 1), and change in SUN aqueous flare grading scale (p=0.02) as well as modified SUN aqueous flare grading scale (p=0.0015) [Figure 2].
- Conclusions: Aqueous flare measurement of LFP may be beneficial in monitoring inflammatory activity. Changes in aqueous flare correlate to changes in BCVA in patients with different anatomic subtypes of uveitis.
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