Audit of Uveitis patients with 10 year follow up through OASIS Registry
Rupesh Agrawal
Rupesh Agrawal, Vishali Gupta, Bernett Lee, Atul Arora, Kevin Chan
Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Singapore
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India
Purpose: To identify phenotypes of uveitis likely to show recurrences and receive revised diagnosis over 10 years follow-up in a single center.
Methods: Records of 127 patients who had completed 10 years or longer follow up were identified and data were entered in the Uveitis Registry portal OASIS portal (Ocular Autoimmune Systemic Inflammatory and Infectious Study).
Results: Dataset of 127 (from total of 15,000 (0.8%)) uveitis patients seen between 1992 and 2023 with follow up for more than a decade were retrieved. The diagnosis at presentation as per SUN criteria was non-granulomatous anterior uveitis ( n=49;40.83%), panuveitis (n=18;15.0%) , retinal vasculitis (n=14;11.67%), intermediate uveitis (n=13;10.83%), granulomatous anterior uveitis (n=11;9.17%) and posterior uveitis (n=11; 9.17%). Fifty seven (44.9%) had aetiology established at baseline while 70 (55.1%) were idiopathic. Tubercular uveitis was the commonest etiology (15/18 (83.3%)) in infectious causes whereas Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis was the most common non-infective aetiology (n=16, 41.03%). Ninety one (71.65%) patients experienced multiple recurrences (mean 3.67+ 2.2) over 10 years follow up. History of multiple recurrence at the time of presentation, persistence of anterior segment inflammation at 1 month, younger age at onset, vitreous haze, choroiditis and intermediate uveitis were the risk factors for recurrences. Of 70 patients with idiopathic uveitis, the diagnosis was revised during follow up with 21 (28.1%) patients diagnosed as infective and 14 (19.7%) as non-infective uveitis.
Conclusion: The diagnosis of uveitis continues to evolve over long term and patients with idiopathic who continue to recur must be re-investigated as several infective and non-infective etiologies may evolve during follow up. OASIS registry for Uveitis was useful in documenting the long term course in these patients.